you want to buy $HYPNO

At a time when everyone is hypnotized by scrolling, you should be hypnotized into buying $Hypno


Going from $100k to $1m in 3 days, the hypnosis is beginning, get ready to buy and refresh your dexscreener every five minutes. With a huge organic reach of over 100,000 people since launch, get ready for the next big marketing push with more socials and influencers.

Base contract : 0x2A91d662B218477F22cC6c18cEF40CE1691bd571

When combining our weekly giveaways of 69,000 $HYPNO with our organic reach that is on track to reach many millions more we don’t see a way it does not rise from here. Not to mention the many Twitter and Instagram influencers who are becoming ever larger holders…



Download a decentralized crypto wallet like MetaMask and add the extension on your browser


Buy Ethereum on a centralized exchange like Binance or other seller.


Google Bridge Base Org. Deposit your Ethereum and exchnage it for Base Ethereum


Follow the steps on the next slide to check your base Balance


Once you have connected to BaseChainm, click the “Buy Now” button in our Linktree and exchange your Based Eth for $HYPNO


$HYPNO Highlights:

Strategic Partnerships:

$HYPNO is joining forces with key players in the crypto world to boost its longevity and market footprint, aiming for a staggering 100 million impressions a month through collaborations and our expanding presence across various platforms.

Community Backing:

With the backing of a strong and enthusiastic community, $HYPNO is set to soar. This dedicated support not only fuels our growth but also amplifies our marketing reach, making our vision of hitting 100 million impressions a month well within reach.

Expanding Ecosystem:

As the base ecosystem flourishes with new projects and applications, $HYPNO benefits from this growth, as a huge wave of potential buyers will be coming in.